Freitag, 2. Mai 2008
Regeln für Forumsbeiträge
Endlich eine Handlungsanweisung für (Immobilien-)Makler, die danach streben, in der social community mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zustehen und Fragen von (potentiellen) Kunden zu beantworten:

1. Never answer a question directly. Always make the consumer think you know more than you do by actually avoiding the question by telling the consumer to seek out a local professional.

2. Always, and I do mean always, tell the consumer that they need to seek out a local real estate professional for any question. (did I say this already…now you are getting the point ... )

3. Never, ever, tell a consumer that any Realtor will EVER take a reduced commission.

4. Never say another Realtor was wrong (but secretly submarine him by clicking the thumbs down button)

5. Always tell the consumer that they received a lack of responses because they just don’t understand how the business works

6. Always be sure to tell the consumer how much a Realtor does to make sure the transaction goes smoothly and to reinforce the need to have a “local Realtor involved.” (regardless of the question the “local Professional will always have the answer... )

7. At all costs, try not to DIRECTLY answer the question. That would be way too easy!

Von Barry Cunningham, gefunden/gepostet beim BHB.

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