Montag, 30. Juli 2007
Frauen und Karriere
Ein Makler role model für Frauen
Ich zitiere mal *The new face of capitalism* mit einem Bericht über Barbara Corcoran - siehe auch : hier

Woman On Top

The Corcoran Report. I'd seen it referenced many times. Whenever housing prices in New York were in print, there was always that footnote to let us know all facts came from "The Corcoran Report" But I must admit, I had no idea who Barbara Corcoran was...

Barbara set up her own office and named her company "The Corcoran Group". ... Her business style was unique and it worked. ... She made the workplace a fun and dynamic environment. ... She convinced one of her most trusted agents, Esther Kaplan, to become a partner by promising to pay her in stock when the company was successful. Esther deferred some of her salary those first few years, in anticipation of the day when The Corcoran Group would be worth $32 million in 7 years, according to Barbara's convincing sales pitch.

For the next 23 years, The Corcoran Group went through major ups and downs. ... Barbara had weathered it all and refused to fail. It took more than the 7 years Barbara had originally forecast but in 2001, she sold her wildly successful company for $70 million...."

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Immobilien sind DIE Branche für engagierte, leistungsbereite Frauen !
Hier zählt nichts das Geschlecht - hier zählt die Leistung, der Erfolg.
Nichts ist weniger diskriminierend als der Verkauf und es überrascht mich, daß nicht mehr Frauen erfolgreiche Maklerinnen und Immobilien-unternehmerinnen sind. :((

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