Montag, 28. Juli 2008
Makler und Stripper II
Sales Technique #6 - Upsell
She sells the customer on a relatively cheap service, a lapdance, but then markets her other services to them. She tries to get them to the “champagne room” and sell an upgraded service, which is where the money is at. However, without the first sale, she would never get the larger sale. Customer acquisition is tough. Once she does it, she needs to get as much business as she can.

Folgegeschäfte. Und die Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit bei "kleineren Geschäften" wie Vermietung oder Bauvoranfrage, um dann den größeren Auftrag (Hausverkauf) zu erhalten.

Sales Technique #7 - Closing Techniques
She will use a variety of closing techniques to get you to buy her services. There are a variety of closing techniques, but two popular ones used by strippers are the compliment close (usually flirting with you) and companion close (getting your buddies to push you into closing the deal).

Abschlußtechniken. Natürlich wichtig.

Sales Technique #8 - Target your audience
Strippers market to individuals that are interested in her service. First, she works in a strip club where guys go specifically for her service, that is obvious. But she also knows which guys to go after within a group or which groups will likely spend the most money. Spending time with cheap-asses only wanting to pay a dollar for a dance will not be a wise use of he precious time.

Pareto-Optimum. Eine besser Kundenanalyse hilft dabei herauszufinden, mit welchen Interessenten wir wirklich in absehbarer Zeit Geld verdienen.

Sales Technique #9 - Persistence
Even though the audience is qualified, she knows she will get rejections. Even so, she will go up to every guy and ask if they need a lap dance. She also knows that the more guys she asks, the more yes’s she will get.

Keine Angst vor dem Nein. Ablehnung ist im Verkauf normal. Letztendlich liegen wir beim "Gesetz der großen Zahl". ;-)

Sales Technique #10 - Branding
I don’t know any strippers that are named Ethel, Mildred or Agnus. Instead, you will get the pleasure to do business with Cookie, Destiny, Candy, or Raven.

Das betrifft den Firmennamen (bitte nicht Mildred oder irgendetwas mit Immo) und das Produkt. "Townhouses" klingt attraktiver als "Einfamilienhäuser in der Innenstadt". Auch in der sozial. DDR waren die Straßen der besseren Wohnviertel nicht nach Kosmonauten oder Schlachthofstraße genannt, sondern nach Künstlern oder Bäumen.

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